Prof. Vasily Astratov Featured in ‘Advanced Science News’ for his groundbreaking Roadmap which lays out the future of a pioneering form of electromagnetic imaging

As it is stated in the Advanced Science News article published on November 28, 2023: “The demands of Label-Free Super-Resolution [Imaging] as grows as a microscopy technique prompted Astratov and colleagues across 27 teams of researchers to create a roadmap for the future development of this process. The work of the team and their conclusions are documented in a paper published in the journal Laser & Photonics Reviews. Astratov explained that this represents a first-of-its-kind vision of the past, present, and future developments in this area based on the physical mechanisms of LFSR
imaging. ”
The motivation behind this Roadmap is communicated to a broader audience in the Advanced Science News article while the detailed description of scientific advances can be found in this magnificent Roadmap published in the Early View section of Laser & Photonics Reviews on October 30, 2023.
The foreword is written by Sir John Pendry. Cover images are credited to Aydogan Ozcan and Nikolay Zheludev participating in this Roadmap.